My name is Samantha Halls, I live in Townsville Australia with my husband and two young boys. I originally studied science and gained a BSc in Biological Sciences with the view to gain entry into medicine. I did that and so began my second degree in my early twenties. All I had ever wanted to do was be a doctor and make people better. Now, don't get me wrong, doctors do a lot of good and if it wasn't for them I'd be dead several times over! However, after a few years of studying medicine I worked out it wasn't for me.
I left and went through a lot of different career directions and jobs before realising health was my calling. This was after years and years of really bad health myself, culminating in me hurting my back so badly I was confined to a wheelchair. When they told me I had very little chance of ever walking again I made myself a promise; not only would I walk, I would find a way to heal myself. So began my journey into natural and alternative health modalities.

These days I am glad to say I have pain only on the very rare extreme occasion I've been ignoring my body and then I know how to fix it quickly and effectively. I learnt the methods and practices to heal myself, and then I went on to study more and more to try and help others. I now hold a Diploma in Kinesiology and went on to study both a Bachelor and then a Masters Degree in Metaphysical Sciences. I'm currently doing a research project to gain my PhD in Metaphysical Sciences and you know what I love most about that? It has taken everything I love about my current work and combined it with some of my first studies, particularly that of genetics which I have always found fascinating.
I predominantly work with those who were just like me, feeling lost and hopeless with symptoms allopathic medicine can't really help with. It is a previlege to be of service and lead my clients out of that dark, hopeless place into the light of a future full of wellness. Does it happen overnight? Of course not, anything worth having takes time and perseverence. If I can do it, you can too. This I know from countless clients who have helped themsleves beyond belief. I look forward to meeting you.